TMS #014: 5 Ways To Let Go Of The Past

The past is the past

The past is the past. The things we have experienced will always be a part of us, but they don’t have to control our future.

In this post, I’m going to teach you 5 ways to let go of the past so it doesn’t hold you back from living in the present!

We’ve all seen the memes and hashtags with the words “let it go.” It’s easy to think of them as just a silly joke, but they’re helpful in letting go of past hurt. While I’m not here to lecture you about how important it is for you to forgive yourself or others for their mistakes, I will say that releasing those feelings can be extremely liberating.

So if you find yourself constantly replaying bad memories in your head or being unable to move on from something — whether it’s an argument with your ex-girlfriend or a difficult breakup — then consider these five ways to help let go of the past:

The past is the past.

1. Figure out what prevents you from letting go

If you want to let go of the past, it’s helpful to first understand why you are holding on.

  • Are you afraid of change? If so, what will change in your life if you let go of your past? What do you stand to gain by letting go and embracing change instead?

  • Are you afraid of being hurt again? If so, what can help reduce risk and increase feelings of safety when letting go of the past and starting over in a new direction? How can friends or family members support the process of healing after experiencing heartbreak or loss?

  • Are there other fears associated with letting go: fear of failure, fear for the future, fear that others won’t like you anymore (or maybe even worse: that they will)? These fears might sound silly but often holds you back from making the changes you need in your lives.

2. Accept your past and forgive yourself

Forgive yourself.

Forgiving yourself is essential to moving on, but it’s also a choice. You might feel that you don’t deserve forgiveness or that forgiving someone does not change the past, but both of these thoughts are wrong. Forgiveness is about letting go and accepting your actions, good and bad so that you can start living in the present moment without holding onto what happened in the past.

I have heard people say that they have forgiven someone who hurt them because they felt sorry for them (or some other reason). This is not true forgiveness; rather this may be compassion or empathy for another person’s situation—but it isn’t forgiving them for their actions toward you or anyone else involved in the incident(s). Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning bad behavior; instead, it means releasing yourself from guilt and shame over things outside of your control while also freeing up energy previously wasted by dwelling on things that happened long ago to move forward with your life today!

3. Stop looking back

This is the most important thing you can do. In the past, you might have thought about what you did or didn’t do in your childhood and how it affected your life. But now it’s time to stop looking back and start moving forward! You mustn’t be afraid of making mistakes or getting hurt if you’re going to live a happier life. Don’t worry about what other people think of your decisions either. And if there are things from the past that can’t be changed, just leave them behind without thinking about them anymore. This is the only way to finally move on and start living a happier life.

4. Move on by moving forward

Moving on is a choice.

You can let go of the past, but only if you choose to do so. It’s easy to let the past control your thoughts and actions if you’re not careful, but it’s up to you whether or not you want to move forward with those things in mind. So here are some ways that might help:

  • Focus on the future. Don’t dwell on what happened yesterday or last year or ten years ago—think about what’s going to happen tomorrow instead!

  • Try new things without fear of failure (or success). Don’t let fear control your life; try something new! There’s no shame in failing at something as long as it was worth a shot and taught us something along the way. The same goes for succeeding…you shouldn’t get too confident because there might be another challenge coming around the corner that could knock everything down once again (but hopefully not). This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be proud of ourselves when we succeed though! We should celebrate our triumphs and feel glad about them every single day! That being said…

5. Letting go needs action

Letting go is more than just a phrase, it’s an action that you need to apply and work at. It’s hard because your mind wants to hold on as tightly as possible to the past, but this won’t help you move forward in your life.

First things first: admitting that you need help letting go of the past is not easy. You may feel embarrassed or ashamed, but those feelings will only keep you stuck if they’re allowed to stay inside of your head; so don’t let them! They are holding you back from finding happiness in the present moment and life overall.

Remember that letting go is a process and each step gets easier as long as it’s practiced regularly over time until one day all those bad memories are gone forever because they no longer matter anymore! Not being able to let go of something means being stuck with regrets from yesterday which prevent us from moving forward towards our dreams today…so let’s get rid of those old regrets by starting your journey towards healing today by taking action!


Letting go isn’t easy, but it is necessary. It’s not about forgetting, nor is it about approval or condoning the actions of others. It’s not about saying that what happened was okay, or that you’re over it. Letting go means accepting what has happened and moving on with your life. To find happiness, you must learn how to forgive yourself and others; accept what has happened, and release the past so that it no longer defines who you are. You have a bright future ahead of you, and it’s time to start living it.



Remember: You’re just one smile away!


5 Ways To Let Go Of The Past:

  1. Figure out what prevents you from letting go

  2. Accept your past and forgive yourself

  3. Stop looking back

  4. Move on by moving forward

  5. Letting go needs action

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